Gift Of Family
To be given the Gift of a healthy spiritual family tree is, unfortunately, one that is lacking especially during these precarious times. Instead, we have sister against sister and brother, and brother against brother and sister, and so on. If your family tree is angry with God for giving your family various crosses, in mind, body, and or spirit you will have a family tree in need of Divine Intervention.
Many families fail to support the Word of God because of the Crosses they have been given. Instead, they worship their money, their possessions, their superiority, their false pride, and even their greed. Try having a conversation with one of these people and all you will get is that person talking about themself. In a 30-minute conversation, you get about a minute, and the remaining time is all about how great they are. Their conversation is unfortunately filled with lies and deceptions of Family Truth. Instead of venting their anger and hatred of God, they teach their children by their actions in refusing to support the Word of God. Instead, they mock God as they brag about their temporal wealth. Their silence is that of rejection and ridicule of the Word of God. Today many families have been ripped apart by failing to pray together. Mention family prayer and they will laugh and even say their family prayer is their wealth. They easily become offended as they band together in their denial of God. A family such as this has never had a spiritual awakening. The Kingdom of God is theirs if they seek it. Their trials and tribulations they will either embrace with humility or resent God for these tribulations. We have all been given the Gift of Free Will.
Take time to think about your Family Tree. Does it need pruning or is it healthy and thriving?